
Sunday, May 06, 2007

To each his own...

Toe ek en Linsen vroeër vanjaar as Hare Krishnas na Eendrag se Huisfondsdans toe is, het ek bietjie op die internet rondgesoek vir instruksies vir hoe om 'n sari te vou. Dit het nie veel gehelp nie - my sari het die heeltyd afgeval, ten spyte van die klomp doekspelde wat ek ook gebruik het om als bymekaar te hou (Net vir die rekord: doekspelde is nie juis iets wat gereeld feature in die 'kuns' van sari-vou nie).

Anyway - ek kom oor die naweek af op 'n brokkie wat ek sommer vinnig in notepad gepaste het van een van die sari-websites af, vir 'n latere blog-entry (toe baie later as beplan, maar nouja)...dis...wel...lees maar self:

"There's no reason why you should not be out somewhere right now wearing a sari. The world needs more women in sarees! However, if you are a beginner and are too shy to go out right away, don't fret! Wear your sari around the HOUSE! Yes it's fun to cook a meal in a sari and the apron even holds the pallu down nicely so you can gracefully flit about your kitchen. Have a sari party and share your sarees with your friends for an evening! From wearing it a few times it will start to feel natural and after you've made peace with your big beautiful piece of cloth you'll just waltz out into public without a second thought."


Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm... Dis amper soos hierdie quote op Google wat ek self 'n paar dae gelede hastily geNotepad het:

"Sex is funny. Actually it's hilarious. Somewhere along the line, someone is going to fall off of a bed, hit their head on a lighting fixture, accidentally kick a midget or trip over a goat."

3:26 PM  

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